Sakura Watch April 28, 2022 - Still waiting for the first sakura cherry blossom to bloom in High Park
Sakura Watch April 28, 2022 - Still waiting for the first sakura cherry blossom to bloom in High Park, as a few nights of cold and frost have slowed down and stalled the buds progress. The first thing to talk about is to note the trees have survived against the cold and frosty nights as of late, all the florets continue to look relatively healthy and robust, and there are no signs of any frost damage that I could see. Overall, this bodes well for a perfect blossom showing this year.
Watch for my latest YouTube update or continue reading below.
Stage 5
All the trees are either just beginning or well into Stage 5. This is when the florets are distinctly extended with a long stem out from the buds and is the final step before opening into beautiful blossoms. We need mother nature to provide us with warmer and sunny days to give the trees one last push. Though there is rain forecast for the first half of next week, the temperatures will be in the more ideal warmer range, which will help. These photos from today show the buds in the final stages throughout the park:

Prescribed Burn on April 29
Also remember the City will have its annual Prescribed Burn in High Park on the 29th, so best to avoid the park Friday as sections will be closed to vehicles for most of the day starting at 7 am. Also, there will be quite of bit of smoke which would make visiting the park less then ideal, especially those already sensitive to smells, or allergies, or respiratory concerns such as asthma. Here is a description from the City of Toronto website:
A prescribed burn is a deliberately set and carefully controlled fire. It burns low to the ground and consumes dried leaves, small twigs and grass stems but does not harm larger trees. It encourages the growth of native savannah vegetation and sets back the growth of undesirable invasive species.
Follow up on the City of Toronto Forestry Management page to learn more.

2022 Bloom Prediction
With sunnier weather ahead, we should finally see the first blossoms start to open over the weekend. I predict that the first blossoms will begin to open by, April 30-May 1. The peak bloom, where about 70% of the blossoms are open, will likely start the first week of May, around May 4 and continue through the Mother’s Day weekend to about May 11.
Of course any significant changes in the weather can change these dates by a day or two, but overall this is what I am seeing the signs of as of today. But I will keep checking and updating if anything does change, so keep watching out for future updates.
Keep Park Visits Safe and Clean
Although the mask mandates have been lifted in Ontario, and specifically Toronto, its now optional, and recommended, for visitors to wear a mask when viewing the cherry blossoms while in large crowds. Other ways to stay safe it to visit the park during less peak times such as early morning weekdays. Late afternoon, weeknights and weekends tend to draw the largest crowds. Virtual viewing will also be setup by the City of Toronto.
And also, please respect the park and others when you are out. Dispose of your mask and other items in trash bins, or take them home instead of tossing them on the ground. This helps keep our parks clean and safe.
All COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted
The City of Toronto has lifted restrictions for in-person viewing of the cherry blossoms in High Park for 2022. This year, everyone is once again welcome to walk, run, or bike through the park. However, the park will be closed to motorized vehicle traffic during the peak bloom - so no parking or drop-offs during the peak bloom. Read more details and information posted here and on the City of Toronto website.
City of Toronto -
Health Canada -
Thank you all for visiting the site. Be careful, be safe, and watch for more updates soon.