Sakura Watch May 13, 2022 - Peak Bloom is now over as blossom petals have fallen
Sakura Watch May 13, 2022 - Peak Bloom is now over as blossom petals have fallen leaving only a handful of trees with at most 40—50% of blossoms. The majority of trees are at 25% or less, with a number down to zero and have gone to full leaves. Though the weather for May was incredible and really gave us a good viewing time, the extra heat also helped the trees loose their bloom a bit more quickly. Mix in rain forecast early next week and whatever blooms are left this weekend will be the last for the 2022 sakura hanami season.
Watch my latest YouTube video update or keep reading below.
The Sports Fields
Petals have been falling for a few days now in the Sports Fields near the Bloor St entrance. This area showed a full 97-100% bloom earlier this week and is now down to at best 25% of blossoms still visible on the trees. Other trees are down to 0% as leaves have fully come in. The remaining blossom petals will continue falling and be done by the time rain comes early next week.
Here are some photos from this area today:

Cherry Blossom Hill
Earlier this week, at Cherry Blossom Hill, the area saw a near 100% bloom across all the trees. This morning, most of the trees have dropped the majority of their blossoms. On average, only about 35% of bloom could still be found scattered in the trees all along the hillside.
A number of trees were also down to 0% of visible bloom with leaves coming in and leaving only the dark pink star shaped centres of the blossoms and pollen filled stamen behind. As the hot weather continues into the weekend, the remaining blossoms will continue to fall in the days ahead.
Here are some photos that show what was left to see today.

Grenadier Pond and the Dock
The trees along Grenadier Pond and near the dock were the only ones with a decent amount of blossoms still visible. On average these trees have kept upto 50% of their bloom, but petals could be seen falling in the breeze. As well, leaves are coming in on all the trees, but still don’t take away too much from the flowers.
These will be the last chance to enjoy blossoms before they too fall in the rains forecast for early next week. Here are some photos from this morning:

2022 Recap
As we say goodbye to another sakura hanami season, we are reminded of just how quickly the sakura cherry blossoms can bloom and then fall away. This year the peak bloom started on May 5 and lasted until May 12. If you missed it, you can still get out to enjoy the few blossoms that remain.
I hope everyone had a chance to get out and enjoy this cherry blossom season. Regular updates will stop for now and will instead focus on a few other blossoms, like the late bloomers that have already been spotted.
So for now, let me say thank you all for following along and hope to see you all next time.
High Park IS OPEN to Vehicles Weekdays,
but will be CLOSED Weekends & Holidays
As of May 11, 2022, the City once again opened the park to allow all vehicles to drive through and park in High Park, anytime between Monday to Friday. Weekends and Holidays will remained closed, as has been the case for the past few years now.
But do keep in mind the park may be very busy and parking can be challenging during busy times. Walking, biking, or running are always encouraged. Items like accessibility scooters and assistive devices will also be allowed - just be careful on the steep slopes!
High Park Trackless Train
There is also the High Park trackless train that circles the park and is another option for those who can’t walk distances but need a ride down to different areas, with frequent stops at all the popular spots and main entrances.
10:30 am to dusk daily, weather permitting
Tickets cost:
Adults (age 12 to 65): $5/person
Children (age 11 or younger): $4/person
Older Adults: (age 66 or older) $4/person
Peak Bloom Is Done for 2022
We close off another sakura hanami season in High Park this weekend. Visitors can enjoy the remaining blossom left on the trees, as the final petals continue to fall gently in the breeze over the next few days.
Hope everyone had the chance to enjoy a wonderful sakura hanami and wish you all a great weekend!
Do Your Part to Help the Trees from Damage
As much fun as it is to get up close to truly enjoy the cherry blossoms, there are some who take it a bit too far and cause damage to the tree that can lead to irreparable harm so the trees can not protect themselves from insects and disease and eventually die. This leaves us with less mature trees to enjoy, so please, if you really want to enjoy the blossoms for many years to come, you need to do your part to help protect the trees and prevent and harm to them:
Don’t pick or break off any blossoms
Don’t pull down, shake or break off the branches
Don’t climb, sit or stand on the trunks or branches - the mature trees are very old and not strong enough to support the weight and stress of people, even small children!
Don’t leave any litter IN or around the trees - it’s so sad to see people putting their garbage in the hollow trunks of the older trees which invites animals and other insects to nest inside and cause internal damage
DO take photos without harming the trees
DO enjoy the blossoms and respect their immediate surroundings
DO remember that respecting the trees from root to branch will help everyone to enjoy the blooming trees for many years to come
Donate to Support The Cherry Blossoms
New for 2022, the City of Toronto has launched a donation campaign to allow anyone to donate funds to help maintain existing trees and plant future ones. See this link for details.
All COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted
The City of Toronto has lifted restrictions for in-person viewing of the cherry blossoms in High Park for 2022. This year, everyone is once again welcome to walk, run, or bike through the park. However, the park will be closed to motorized vehicle traffic during the peak bloom - so no parking or drop-offs during the peak bloom. Read more details and information posted here and on the City of Toronto website.
City of Toronto - Cherry Blossom Website
Thank you all for visiting the site. Be careful, be safe, and watch for more updates soon.