Sakura Watch May 5, 2022 - High Park has begun the Peak Bloom as we head into Mother's Day weekend
Sakura Watch May 5, 2022 - UPDATED: High Park has begun the Peak Bloom as we head into Mother's Day weekend. I've visited the park early in the morning the past couple of days for interviews, and the contrast between how much bloom could be seen couldn't be greater. The difference between a day of warmer, sunny weather is honestly telling just how much of an effect the weather has on the cherry blossoms.
Watch my latest Youtube video update or continue reading below.
The Difference a Day Makes
It was rainy the morning of May 4. Only a small percentage of blossoms were open, but I could see many more were poised to open, with their bright pink and white petals tightly huddled together, waiting for the sun’s warmth to signal their time to open. Though the weather did turn for the better later in the day, it would only be until next morning on May 5, that I would be able to see the first signs of a proper peak bloom in the early rays of sun. Below are a comparison of photos between the two days.
Photos May 4, 2022
The cherry blossom trees were only showing about 10-25% open blossoms on this rainy morning.

Photos May 5, 2022
Now see the difference the sunny, warmer weather makes on cherry blossom trees, which were now showing about 50-75% open blossoms on this much nicer, sunny morning.

Peak Bloom for Mother’s Day
Even though some trees are behind by a few days, that will make for an even fuller showing of blossoms as they too open over this Mother's Day weekend. Both the trees and the weather are going to look beautiful. Following the path along Grenadier Pond, I saw how some of the trees were still waiting to fully open up. Most of these trees only had a tiny percentage of blossoms beginning to open, but they too will begin their bloom with sunnier days ahead.
The story is quite different from the sports fields, where here, I could see nearly all of the sakura trees that frame the area are at 65-80% in bloom. These trees offer several low-level branches for catching incredible close-up photos - but please don’t pick the blossoms or shake the branches! Closest to the Bloor Street entrance, these trees provide a great welcome before heading toward Cherry Tree Hill.
If you plan heading out over the weekend, do note that High Park remains closed to all motorized vehicles during the blooming period. TTC Wheel Trans and City vehicles are the only exceptions. Walking, biking, or running are always encouraged. Items like accessibility scooters and assistive devices will also be allowed - just be careful on the steep slopes!
Peak Bloom Prediction and Duration
The blossoms began to open earlier this week, up to about 50%. As of May 5, the sunnier weather has helped the trees propel into peak bloom with up to 75% and will grow as more blossoms open over the weekend.
With a fair weather forecast, this peak bloom should last between May 5 and continue to May 12, depending on any changes in the weather.
Hope everyone has the chance to enjoy a wonderful sakura hanami and watch for more updates soon.
Keep Park Visits Safe and Clean
Although the mask mandates have been lifted in Ontario, and specifically Toronto, its now optional, and recommended, for visitors to wear a mask when viewing the cherry blossoms while in large crowds. Other ways to stay safe it to visit the park during less peak times such as early morning weekdays. Late afternoon, weeknights and weekends tend to draw the largest crowds. Virtual viewing will also be setup by the City of Toronto.
And also, please respect the park and others when you are out. Dispose of your mask and other items in trash bins, or take them home instead of tossing them on the ground. This helps keep our parks clean and safe.
All COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted
The City of Toronto has lifted restrictions for in-person viewing of the cherry blossoms in High Park for 2022. This year, everyone is once again welcome to walk, run, or bike through the park. However, the park will be closed to motorized vehicle traffic during the peak bloom - so no parking or drop-offs during the peak bloom. Read more details and information posted here and on the City of Toronto website.
City of Toronto -
Health Canada -
Thank you all for visiting the site. Be careful, be safe, and watch for more updates soon.