Sakura Watch April 7, 2023 - Brilliant green tips and well-formed buds make for a very good Friday visit
Sakura Watch April 7, 2023 - Brilliant green tips and well-formed buds make for a very good Friday visit in High Park. It was a beautiful sunny day to launch the Easter weekend, and many took time to get out and take advantage of the warmer weather to visit the park. With work and family obligations this weekend, I was only able to take enough time for a brief visit to check up on the progress. I was very pleased to see the brilliant green tips protruding from nearly every bud on the trees.
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Well in to Stage 2 of Development
The blossom buds are well into the second stage of development, as indicated by their well-rounded shape and prominent green-coloured tips. The bright colour with tan accents and bronze-tinted outer sepals all show excellent form and health, which bodes well that every one will have a group of full-bodied blossoms just waiting to open when the time is right. Here are some photos showing the progress as seen today:

Warmer Weather ahead
The forecast over the next week includes warmer double-digit temperatures to hit the high teens and maybe even tempt the low twenties. In fact, the overall monthly forecast for April includes a temperature range above 10º C nearly every day until the end of the month (source: the Weather Network Monthly forecast). The warming trends can help lead the buds into an earlier bloom. My next follow-up visits will give me a more accurate idea of dates on when I will begin to see the Sakura cherry blossom blossoms.
NEW Bloom prediction based on history
Looking back to 2018, I saw the buds develop at a similar pace and have noted the weather was similar to this year. This referential information gives me confidence in predicting that the Sakura Cherry Blossom bloom will begin by the end of April, most likely somewhere between April 23 to 30. These dates may change if the weather gets cold enough again to slow the tree’s progress, but all signs are pointing to an earlier-than-normal bloom.
Stay tuned for more details and follow-up updates!
Do Your Part to Help the Trees from Damage
As much fun as it is to get up close to enjoy the cherry blossoms truly, there are some who take it a bit too far and cause damage to the tree that can lead to irreparable harm so the trees can not protect themselves from insects and disease and eventually die. This leaves us with less mature trees to enjoy, so please, if you really want to enjoy the blossoms for many years to come, you need to do your part to help protect the trees and prevent any harm to them:
Don’t pick or break off any blossoms
Don’t pull down, shake or break off the branches
Don’t climb, sit or stand on the trunks or branches - the mature trees are very old and not strong enough to support the weight and stress of people, even small children!
Don’t leave any litter IN or around the trees - it’s so sad to see people putting their garbage in the hollow trunks of the older trees, which invites animals and other insects to nest inside and cause internal damage.
DO take photos without harming the trees
DO enjoy the blossoms and respect their immediate surroundings
DO remember that respecting the trees from root to branch will help everyone to enjoy the blooming trees for many years to come
Donate to Support The Cherry Blossoms
The City of Toronto now accepts donations to help maintain existing trees and plant future ones. See this link for details.
Read more details and information on the City of Toronto - Cherry Blossom Website
Thank you all for visiting the site. Be careful, be safe, and watch for more updates soon.