Sakura Watch, May 5, 2015 - blossoms begin to fill the park
Sakura Watch, May 5, 2015 - blossoms begin to fill the park as visitors are treated to 50-70% of the trees are now starting to bloom! Peak bloom will occur in the next few days, and if the weather continues to be calm and stable, then we could continue to enjoy the blossom during Mother's Day this year.

Where are the best areas to view the blossoms
The various areas of the park are showing different stages of bloom and below is a breakdown of what you can see today and expect in the next few days.
By the sports fields (near High Park Ave / Bloor St West entrance) - 60-70% bloom visible - these trees are always the first to bloom and this year is on cue as they are showing a substantial amount of blossoms today. Over the next few days, these trees will continue to show more blossoms and should be at 100% by the weekend. This area tends to attract visitors who like to take photos within the branches as there are some trees with low enough branches people can stand behind or beside for photos.
Please, please don't shake the branches! When you shake the branches, you knock off the blossoms and leave them bare and ruin the chance for anyone else to take a photo or enjoy them.
Along the big hill and winding path (across from Grenadier Restaurant) - 50-60% bloom visible - these are the most extensive collection of trees and always the most popular with visitors to the park. With lots of picnic space along the grassy hills and paved walking path, this tends to be the most crowded area just because its the most breathtakingly beautiful to see when in full bloom - as if you are walking under clouds of beautiful blossoms! This will be THE place to see the bloom over the weekend and be prepared as it will be crowded!
Please don't climb the trees as many people tend to do - this has caused significant damage to trees the last few years and we lost a few because of it - as the signs in park read: 'Stay off the bloomin' trees!'
By Grenadier Pond & dock - 40-50% bloom visible - these trees are still only beginning to bloom, but that just means more for us to enjoy in the days ahead. These trees should be showing fuller blossoms into the weekend.
By High Park Zoo & Adventure Playground - 25% bloom visible - the trees in this area are the furthest behind in development with only a handful of blossoms actually to be seen today. So either the buds will blossom over the weekend, or they may go straight to leaves, as many trees did last year. It's looking like this area may be the most sparse and sporadic display of blossoms this year.
So for those who've been asking when, NOW IS THE TIME TO GO!
Enjoy the first large photo gallery of blossom photos above and hope it inspires your visit to see the sakura // cherry blossoms this year. I will add another update in a couple days on how the blossoms are holding up before the weekend.